Sister Scheib got sick this week. She had/has a cold and flu like symptoms, but by some miracle I was able to avoid getting whatever she had. We were still working, but I finally convinced her one day that we needed to go back to the flat for her to lay down. She took a little nap and it was right back to work for us. One night I didn't feel too good and probably had a slight fever, but the next day when I woke up I felt fine, so that's a blessing.
SADDEST STORY OF THE WEEK: I accidentally destroyed the four leaf clover that I have had for over a month. It was dead, but still cute and I smashed it and now I am sad and I only have 3 leaf clovers now and they aren't as lucky.
FUNNY STORY OF THE WEEK: I tried to talk to this guy and he told me he didn't speak English. I asked where he was from and he said "Mexico." I then asked in Spanish what part of Mexico he was from and he froze. He responded in English and said, "I'm just kidding" and he walked away super fast and he was embarrassed. I exposed his lie with the tiny bit of Spanish I know hahahahhaha
SCARIEST STORY OF THE WEEK: Last night I was in the bathroom and see this massive creepy spider and so I finish in the bathroom and yell at Sister Scheib to come get the spider. She hates killing them so she traps them in a cup and we take them outside. She traps it and then can't pick the cup up and doesn't want to kill it. We decided to leave it in the cup overnight and have the elders kill it today (sis scheib killed it this morning because she was sick of it). BUT she told me a story that a few transfers ago the sisters were moving the beds and like 20 spiders ran out from under the bed and yeah. I started freaking out and actually cried because HELLO I SLEEP IN THERE. Yeah going to bed last night was the worst.
This week was super good. One of our investigators, ____ (Brazil), that has been taught since July told us he needed to get baptized, but he wanted to ask God one more time before he made the decision. The next day when we met with him he said "we're going to pray and then flip to a random page in the Bible and my answer will be there." Sister Scheib flipped to Revelations 17 and yeahhh we spent about 20 minutes studying that with him. He really wanted to find an answer through that chapter. We were discouraged and he asked why we were sad. We just bore testimony of Jesus Christ and the importance of baptism and we were both bawling. The Spirit was so thick you could've cut it with a knife. After that he said "I got my answer, let's do it." He has a crazy work schedule, so he will be getting baptized this Thursday at 2 woohoo
We have another investigator getting baptized this week. His name is ____ (Philippines) and he just wants with all of his heart to follow God. We taught him the word of wisdom and was so ready and willing to give up drinking because he wanted the blessings from God. He will be getting baptized this week on Saturday.
Another investigator we have is really starting to progress. His name is ____ (Croatia) and he doesn't believe in God, but is willing to do everything to find out for himself. He came to church yesterday and was comfortable and even described it as fun. We are so excited for him!!!!
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