I LOVE SISTER ANDERSON. She is so much fun and we are constantly laughing. Also so many people on the street ask if we are twins/sisters. I don't think we look that much alike, but it's the dark hair. It's great though, because then we say YES WE ARE SISTERS, MISSIONARIES. HAHAHAHA we think we're pretty clever. We get along so well and she is a great missionary. She is also a great reminder of how much a good attitude influences our work! We also get to take turns driving, so now you only have to worry about me driving on the wrong side of the road half of the time. She drove last transfer as well, so she's not new like I was.
I love seeing how people have been prepared. This week we bumped into a man named ____ that said in the past he had bumped into missionaries. He took their number, but had never contacted them. He also mentioned about how about 10 years ago he was going through a hard time and someone gave him a Book of Mormon with their testimony in it. We were able to set up an appointment with him and we are excited to be able to help those who have planted seeds in the past to harvest! It truly is amazing how God prepares His children!
One thing that is really frustrating at the time, but hilarious to look back on is the misconceptions that people have about us. A man we met this past week said, "Oh Mormons? You're weird. John Smith found the copper plates in the desert, lost them, and then rewrote the story." Sister Anderson and I had a good laugh about that one.
Our investigators are doing well! ____ is so excited for his baptism on the 7th. He talks about it all the time. Yesterday he was telling people at church how his baptism is in a week on Saturday. It will be great for him and for his family to be able to come and witness it!
____ is good as well! She wasn't able to come to church this week because they were having a birthday party for her daughter. She enjoys reading the Book of Mormon and was so happy to be able to have it in Hungarian.
In Dumbarton we are more able to teach in people's homes. We meet in a cafe if we can't get a member to come along with us (normally the 1st lesson). We get to move around more in Dumbarton because there are a lot of little towns we can go to. We normally stay in the town centres in Dumbarton or Helensburgh.
This week in Oban it POURED. I have never been more wet in my life. When we stepped out of the car we didn't have our hoods on. By the time we were able to put our hoods on it wasn't even worth it because we were already that soaked. They rain didn't lighten up all day and we were drenched. Every step was like stepping in a puddle because of our wet shoes, my hair was matted to my head, the only dry spot on my was under my coat that didn't get soaked through. My planner got soaked, as did every pass along card we had, but luckily not my scriptures. We still made the most of it and a recent convert up there bought us lunch, so I can't complain about that. That day was supposedly the start of Spring and every person we talked to told us happy Spring ahhahahha. Welcome to Scotland.
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and for the promise of resurrection. Jesus Christ knows each one of us and cares for us deeply. No matter what we do, no matter who we are HE IS ALWAYS THERE. 2 Nephi 28:32.