Friday, August 10, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018 - Miracles and JOY

Our friend ____ is progressing so well!  This week we taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the 10 Commandments, and the Word of Wisdom.  He loved it all.  He struggles with a few problems and says every time he meets with us, prays, attends church, etc. he feels so much better and we are able to see a physical difference in him.  When we taught the WoW he said obviously those things are bad for you and I need to quit smoking anyway.  HE'S SERIOUSLY AMAZING.

We were able to attend a baptismal service with him this week in Dunfirmline and it was amazing.  After the man came up out of the water he leaned over to Sister Hammond and said, "I just felt something."  It only gets better.  He told us it made him so much more excited for his own baptism.  Our Branch also has a temple trip planned for this Saturday.  They invited him to go, just to be on the grounds and at the family history center, and he is so excited.  What a miracle!

The Branch loves ____ and he just fits right in.  There is a lady in the branch that has a hard time walking so she needs a wheelchair or someone to escort her.  When he walked up to church they pulled up in the car.  _____ then escorted her in. What a champ.  She also tried to give him £10 in the middle of sacrament meeting.  It was hilarious.  

This week we were finding and starting talking to this man.  We could not understand a word he was saying and he was just mumbling.  I thought I would just ask him for a referral.  I said, "Do you know anyone that would be interested to learn more about Jesus Christ?"  He shouted back, "ME!"  So we sat down on a bench with him and started teaching.  

I love being a sister.  People give us food all the time.  This past week our Branch Mission Leader brought us enough food to seriously feed a family of 6 for a week.  Another member brought us frozen lasagnes because she couldn't have us over this week.  What a blessing!

I just want to say the Gospel brings joy!  This week I have been feeling so grateful for all the experiences I've had and as I've been reflecting it's just very apparent that all of those experiences bring true joy.  There is no other source of this and it is sweeter than any other thing in the world.  The Gospel bring joy!  I'm so grateful for the time I get to be a missionary.  I thank my Heavenly Father for it every day. 

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