No Scottish Thanksgiving, but THANK goodness (pun intended) we have a senior couple in our area. They are feeding us Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! Thank you Elder and Sister Edwards.
On Saturday we had a Relief Society activity at the church. We made Christmas crafts! It was lots of fun, but it was a poor turn out. It was just us, Brooke, her friend, the relief society president, and one other member. We got the moves call Saturday night and I was told that I would be getting Sister Cox. Sister Rose and I also put up the Christmas tree we got from a member. I know it's before Thanksgiving, but I made the exception because she was leaving.
Sunday was HECTIC. Sister Rose and I had to be at the mission home before 2, which meant that we had to leave church early. We stayed for Sacrament Meeting (I had to play the organ..........Once in David's Royal City? Really?) and then had to rushhhhhh to the train station to catch our train to Edinburgh. Because I was companion-less I was kind of in limbo for a while. I spent some time with the departing missionaries, went finding with some sisters in Edinburgh, visited a member, and I was passed back and forth between teams of missionaries for a few hours. Then, this morning I caught a train to Dundee. Sister Cox and I met there, and then we got a train to Perth.
Sister Cox is from Las Vegas. She just finished her training, but I've been in Perth longer than she's been on her mission! It's also really strange because I've been out longer than all the missionaries in my area combined! Apparently I'm old now. It's so weird how fast time goes. I'm super excited for this transfer!