We taught ____ on Tuesday and on Friday. Our lesson on Tuesday was good, but on Friday he came into the church and sat down. I asked him if he was able to read more of the Book of Mormon. For the next 5 or so minutes he was speaking, but not in English...it was all gibberish. We weren't really sure what was happening. The member we were with started googling some things and we think he had a mini seizure. After he composed himself he told us that he had 3 seizures in the last 3 days. We continued with the lesson because he insisted, but he didn't retain anything. He said he would be at church on Sunday, but he texted us yesterday saying he was in the hospital. We haven't heard anything else, so pray for ____!
_____ had to cancel his lesson on Wednesday, but texted us and said he could meet on Thursday! It was great because we had to go to the town that he lives in that day anyway! We shared the Plan of Salvation with him. He really enjoyed it and he was doing all the testifying in the lesson. Most of the time it was just him testifying of Jesus Christ! It was amazing. He loved learning about it. He wasn't able to come to church because his dad is having some health issues and he has to take care of him. I'm not sure why or how we managed to find the people that are struggling with their health right now!
The Cumbernauld Ward set a record for me. I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday. It was only a 7-8 minute talk, but I had never seen a Ward jump on a new missionary so quickly hahah. I spoke on prayer and 3 Nephi 18. I shared some experiences that I had with prayer and that pretty much took up the whole time. 7 minutes is really easy to fill up!
We have conference this week and I always look forward to that! I think I say this every time, but it is so good to be in a room of missionaries. The Spirit is always so strong.
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