We had another amazing week. We have been blessed to see so many miracles.
We were able to stop by a woman who said to try by about 6 weeks ago. She promptly let us in and we were able to teach her the Restoration. At the beginning of the lesson she started by telling us she would never go to church, but as we continued teaching we just watched her heart soften as the Spirit touched her. She told us at the end that she wanted to come to church and yesterday, she came!!!! She really enjoyed it and I felt like I could just see her heart soften. The Spirit is amazing!
We also taught our friend from China this week, finally! She told us, "I just want to know if He is there." She was able to come to church too! She also read some of the Book of Mormon and prayed.
We were able to teach another woman and she accepted a baptismal date. We also helped her move some things around her house and she was so grateful.
I am so grateful for the many miracles we saw this week and I've seen in the last year and a half.
I will be forever grateful and forever indebted to my Heavenly Father for the time I've had to serve Him in Scotland and Ireland.
I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, who loves me and I love Him.
Scotland/Ireland will forever have a piece of my heart.
For the last time, Sister Baker
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