The actual baptism was amazing. Almost all the active members of the Branch were there. It was great, especially on such short notice. Brooke was really emotional after and just stood in the font for a few seconds after just soaking it all in. Also her inactive mom and uncle were there. Her uncle even said the closing prayer! We also had some of the people we're teaching at the baptism. ____ and ____ (9) were there. Alex has wanted to get baptized for probably about a year now, but his parents think he is too young. After the baptism he came up to us and said, "I'm next!" His dad said, through tears, he can get baptized and he knew he needed to be baptised as well. Now we just pray that his mom's heart will be softened.
____ also loved Brooke's baptism and he had Brooke sign a program. He put it up in his house and even took a picture of it to prove to us.
Now that's a way to start the week!
This week we also had All Scotland with Elder de Feo! He is in the Europe Area Presidency and he spoke at last conference. It was amazing to have him there. I loved hearing his testimony and he just kept thanking us for the work we are doing. He teared up about 3 times telling us how grateful he was for missionaries because they saved his life.
Elder de Feo taught us a new way of planning/seek revelation for those we are teaching. He then gave us the chance to put it into practice for 10 minutes. When we all went just for those 10 minutes to seek revelation for someone we're teaching Sister Hammond and I planned for ____. We both felt that we needed to reiterate Joseph Smith's experience with him. On Saturday we were reading Joseph Smith History with him and in the middle of it he stopped and just looked at us and asked how we always knew what he needed. He told us that earlier in the week he had done just that and he asked for wisdom from God. It was amazing to see that and to have the confirmation from the Spirit.