I had to break out the tights and boots today. Happy October. I put it off for as long as physically possible, but today was the day :( Here comes winter!
On our way back from District Council we were walking to the train station when a man asked us to call a number for him to talk to his son. I looked at our phone and it didn't have a signal. I thought that was weird, but it must have just been the place we were in. So we took our train back to Perth and still no signal. We took the battery out and the sim card out and tried it again, but still no luck. That's kind of an issue if you can't get a hold of anyone and no one can get a hold of you. It wouldn't have been that big of an issue, but Sister Hammond was SUPER sick. The next day, about midday, we called the mission home from the church and they explained that the phone company decided to close our number without telling anyone, so the mission had to get it back. We got it back in a day and a half. Sister Hammond was very very sick - she was out for 2 whole days. I felt so bad for her. We had to stay in the flat quite a bit this week, but that means I got some more time to study and go through the area book!
We had exchange in Aberdeen this week. I was with Sister Allred and we had a bunch of fun.
On Sunday we were headed back to the flat for lunch when we got a text from our investigator asking us to come over. When we got there they had food ready for us and we got to teach their family. It was so nice.
I also really liked a thought shared by one of the high counselors yesterday. He said, "Joy is not about our circumstances in life, but it is about the focus of our life."
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