THE BIKES: I haven't crashed, but let's just say you won't be calling me the next Lance Armstrong anytime soon. I am very wobbly, but that's okay. We were only able to ride them twice this week, due to snow/ice, but for those two days BOY WAS I SORE.
____ had his baptismal interview this week and most everything went over smoothly. While talking about the Word of Wisdom he mentioned that he takes cannabis oil from the pharmacy to help with his epilepsy. It is legal, but not prescribed and it has been helping with his seizures. We weren't sure on what to do, so we called President Macdonald. He wasn't sure either, so he has been in contact with the people that he asks questions to. He also had a brief interview with ____ over the phone, but he is still unsure. For now, we have to hold off on the baptism, but we'll see what happens with that.
This week was absolutely FREEZING! BUT was it too cold for ice cream? No, never. Imagine an ice cream truck in America: Hot day, middle of the afternoon, drives around with the music playing and all the kids come running out. Now, here is a Scottish ice cream truck: Middle of winter, dark outside, drive and park somewhere and hope for the best.
Well for the last year I have heard ice cream trucks around the neighborhoods, but I have never actually seen one. Sister Cluff and I saw one on Tuesday and just had to get ice cream, even though it was below freezing. Well, on Wednesday we were walking and what do we see? ANOTHER ICE CREAM TRUCK. We walked by it and starting talking to the people. Then they gave us a free slushie and a hot dog! Free lunch woohoo! On Thursday we were chapping and we heard the music in the distance. About 20 minutes later where is the ice cream truck? 4 HOUSES DOWN. So we got ice cream again, just to say that we had something from an ice cream truck 3 days in a row in below freezing temperatures.
Recently, I have been studying the General Conference Ensign. I love to read the words of the modern day prophets. I especially loved the quote from President Oaks, "we are a missionary people. We are sometimes asked why we send missionaries to so many nations, even among Christian populations. We receive the same question about why we give many millions of dollars of humanitarian aid to persons who are not members of our Church and why we do not link this aid to our missionary efforts. We do this because we esteem all mortals as children of God—our brothers and sisters—and we want to share our spiritual and temporal abundance with everyone." It reminded me of the great privilege I have to be here and to share my abundance. 'Because I have been given much I too must give.' I am so grateful to be a missionary each and every day.
Arrange marriage is so beautiful, as well as join the husband and wife new bonding.
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